City Centre Stories
Images by Chris Vaughan Photography Ltd for Lincoln BIG
18 Mar - 17 Apr 2023
Lincoln Big
Lincoln City Centre
City Centre Stories was an outdoor exhibition of crafted augmented reality artworks and poetry, which could be found at various stops around Lincoln’s City Centre. Each stop explored a business, portraying the stories from its past and present. Participants scanned the QR codes placed at each destination to take part. Enjoying the animations and interactive AR alongside stunning poetry read by poet and artist Georgia Preece. Georgia launched the project performing her poetry at a live reading on 18 March 2023 at Waterside Shopping Centre.
This project was made possible thanks to Lincoln Creates | Lincoln BIG. Lincoln Creates is a fund designed to support new creative art projects in Lincoln City Centre. To find out more about other Lincoln Creates projects and what the fund is, visit To learn more about the project, please visit the link below.